Available school Supply lists from region | Education | willistonherald.com

2022-08-08 02:03:53 By : Mr. frank lin

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Big Backpack, no Mini’s

2 packs of Crayloa crayons (24 pack)

10 pack Elmer’s purple glue sticks

1 pair of extra clothing (weather appropriate0

2 play dough containers — not homemade

Boys: Gallon Freezer bags (no sliders)

Velcro gym shoes with rubber bottoms

12 Elmer’s Purple Glue Sticks

2 packs of broadtip Crayola Classic Markers (8)

1 pack of black Expo dry erase markers

Boys: Gallon Freezer bags (no sliders)

10 Purple Elmer’s Glue Sticks

Boys: Gallon Freezer bags (no sliders)

1 big pack Elmer’s Glue Sticks

1 Elmer’s liquid glue-white (no glitter)

Girls: Quart size ziploc bags

1 wide ruled loose leaf paper

2 loose leaf paper college ruled

Trapper Keeper OR 2 inch binder

3 Ring Pencil Pouch NO boxes

Teachers will give more specifics after Day 1

1 pack mechanical pencils and refill

Red/green/blue pens and highlighters

Notebook and Pocket Folder for Each Class

Course specific supplies will be discussed in each class the first day of school.

1 lg container of baby wipes

1 pair of non-marking shoes for gym (MUST be Velcro

Boys: 1 box gallon-size Ziploc bags

Girls: 1 box quart-size Ziploc bags

2 folders — 1 must have 3 prongs inside

Gym shoes (MUST be velcro if child cannot tie)

Girls: 1 box of quart size Ziploc bags

Boys: 1 box of snack size Ziploc bags

2-pens (NOT black or blue)

Please make sure shoes are easy on

and easy off, for gym use only)

1-package loose leaf (wide ruled) paper

1 box of Gallon Size Ziploc Bags (Girls)

1 box of Quart Size Ziploc Bags (Boys)

Package of multi color highlighters

Student scissors (large if possible)

2 pkg. loose leaf paper (wide ruled)

24 #2 pencils — to be replaced as needed

Pencil Sharpener (HAND HELD — NO ELECTRIC)

Gym Shoes (to be left at school)

Headphones/earbuds (to be kept in class)

2 Fine Line dry erase markers

1 box Quart Ziploc Bags (Boys)

Package of Highlighters (multiple colors)

Pencil Box (optional — 5X7 due to space)

Student Scissors (large if possible)

Colored Pencils 16 ct (no crayons please)

Ruler with inches and cm

2 pkg loose leaf paper (wide rule)

Pencils (to be replaced as needed)

Headphones (will keep in classroom-smaller the better)

Gym Shoes (no marking soles)

Space is limited. Please no trapper keepers or binders. Folders are provided.

1-pkg. Loose-leaf paper college or wide

2-Dry erase markers (fine line)

(above needed when taking PE)

3-1.5 or 2 inch 3 Ring Binders

3 pks of loose leaf paper (college rule)

Markers — box of 8 thick classic colors 1 pack of watercolors

Glue sticks – Pack of 2-3

1” 3-ring binder with pockets in front and back

Pack of Dry Erase Markers

2 pack of baby wipes or Clorox wipes 1 large box of tissues

Heathy Snack for each day

Pack of Black Dry Erase Markers Black Sharpie Perm. Marker Crayola Colored pencils – 24 ct. Crayola Crayons – 24 ct.

Pencil Top Erasers – 1 Package Scissors

Pencil box (No Bags please)

Box of Ziploc bags – any size

Clorox wipes – 3 packages Healthy Snack for each day Corded Headphones (No Earbuds)

1 Box of gallon Ziplock bags 2 Wide-ruled single-subject Notebooks: 1 Red, 1 Blue

4 Vinyl pocket folders (with 3 clasps) – 1 red,1 blue, 1 purple, 1 orange

Ruler (with inches and cm)

Choose one of the following:

Colored pencils; Crayons – box of 24; or 1- 12 count-colored markers 4 dry erase markers

Highlighters- 1 yellow, 1 green, 1pink Ruler- inches/cm

Red vinyl pocket folder Yellow vinyl pocket folder 3 wide ruled notebooks

#2 pencils – one box Pencil box

4 dry erase markers (any color) Pocket folders — 2

Personal Pencil Sharpener (Optional) Corded Headphones/Earbuds

1 large tub of Clorox wipes

2 single subject notebooks: college ruled Loose Leaf Paper: 150 count, college ruled Zip up binder/trapper keeper

Index cards: 100 count, white, 3x5, lined

Highlighters – 1 pink, 1 yellow, 1 green Scissors

Erasers – set of pencil cap and large eraser 1 dry erase marker – any color

150 Sheet College Ruled Loose Leaf Paper

1 Folder for homework Pencil bag48- #2 pencilsLarge eraser

Red Pen& Blue Pen

2 Sharpie markers (black)Glue- sticks & bottleScissors Markers/Crayons/Colored Pencils Personal pencil sharpener

1 large tub of Clorox wipes2 large boxes of tissues Corded Headphones/Earbuds

Gym ShoesThese remain at school for

gym use onlyVelcro Closure for Grades

K and 1Water Bottle (Optional)

Winter Gear will be necessary for colder months. Includes:

Winter Coat Snow pants BootsHats

A complete school supply list is available online at https://tinyurl.com/rmrtfxs6


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